Thursday, 18 October 2012


Recent days in India the inflation rate is raising in a bull speed. The GDP growth is also in the hands of industrial and stock value. Agriculture was once ruling half the value in GDP growth. Now agriculture lacks in the list. Innovation must be seeded in the minds of Indian.

Educated illiterate

Many parents in 60's struggled very hard to educate their ward from the influence of their landlords. These children got education by their illiterate parents. After receiving education the first graduates thought themselves as knowledge d than their parents, who didn't had any opportunity to pursuit graduation. The graduates who got cultural adaptation from civilized western imperialism thought  their seniors lack in culture and knowledge. Instead of teaching them the way to come out from their blindness, they neglected them in the name of education as illiterate.


Development in technology lead to diversification in people. More people got educated, more they became worthless. Those who got such kind of education turned to become government employees. They never thought to utilize their education for the welfare of nation. All they need was simple a 'risk-less' life. They never thought to become an entrepreneur to create employment and competition among the global market. All they needed was monthly salary and monthly debt. 


Second generation people are the children of the first graduates of the nation. this SG wards took their unsuccessful father as role model. Because among all other Indians  their parents lead a peaceful life. they also got motivated by risk-less life.  they urged to follow their parents. As a result of all these incidence business became a bad idea among the Indian educated family. An educated man who dreams to become an entrepreneur had to face lot of critic from their parents, friends, relatives, teachers and other useless atmosphere. Those salaried person threatened those business aspirants in the name of failure. Before initiating the task they began to think of what if they get failed? This fear made them to stop thinking further. 


Due to less competition in Indian market, foreigners came flying into India. Auto companies, cosmetic companies, pharma manufacturers smelled the market in India. They slowly initiated the process of business in India. they convinced Indians by saying the will give employment to Indian citizens. Indians were also mesmerized by the word employment. All India need is a salary and risk-less life. They can take any risk to get this life.


Time itself a big healer. the new smart Indians are very clear in their thoughts. this education is globalized. Now Indians think why they let their market open to foreigner? Instead of making themselves boss. Its time to innovate in business arena. lot of yung youth began to take India globally in leadership. now they are clear in the risk. they know takinghigh risk gives them high profit. For more innovation in business, MBA lays a pathway. therefor for further liberalization from dark, MBA could be used as a beacon in India. 

1 comment:

  1. Its a very valuable info that you have posted dude. keep the good work going and do post few other important info that our youths need to know.
